CNC Control Upgrade

Mick Long 82 years old and CNCing away!!

When Mick Long purchased his CNC machine he had hoped that one day he would get it going. Sadly the machine never made it through the transportation to his home in Co. Kilkenny. Mick Long (aged 82) has taken the plunge into the CNC world and is an inspiration to us all.

His machine had Aluminium shavings in the control box that scuppered any chance he had of getting her going upon arrival. We upgraded his control box to new electronics and now he is engraving away and is really taking to CNC well!

Upgrade and setup

The old control board and drives were removed and replaced with a new motion control system. The original enclosure for the electronics was kept as the replacement electronics fitted neatly inside the housing. The machine is now fully operational in all three axes with all three limit switches working and the machine has been fully calibrated

Mick is able to engrave names and plaque and can manage the software okay and has really taken to CNC is a big way.

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